Recently there’s been a lot of cultural excitement over the prospect of becoming a high-value man. As Christians we need to be examining these things in light of scripture and it’s relevant to both men and women because you either are a man, married to one, raising one, or you’re going to be married to one.
A high-value man has a six-pack, makes a ton of money and can get any girl he wants. He also owns his own business, doesn’t spend time with those “below him”, and is of course more valuable than his wife because “what does she bring to the table?”
It is no coincidence that the top influencers in this space are nietzsche-quoting, god-hating, men. This is because the soul of nietzsche’s teaching is that you would become the top guy, the “ubermench” as he would call it. For nietzsche it’s all about man. You see the problem? The Bible says that wisdom begins with the fear of God, nietzsche says it starts with the love of man. The sons of nietzsche preach self-centered power, the sons of God preach humble submission to another man, Jesus Christ.
Now the answer is not to Jesus-juke your way into an effeminate, beta Christianity where it’s okay to be bad at your job and unambitious. No, men were made to chase glory (2 Cor 3:18). This innate desire, the desire for glory, is what’s twisted and perverted in our culture today. But glory is not found in having multiple sexual partners. Glory is found in having one smiling wife surrounded by glowing children like Saturn & her moons. Common signs of glory are spit-up on your tie, bags under your eyes & a wife that’s happy to see you. Glory is being so diligent in your work that you stand before CEO’s and stuff money away for your grandchildren.
Above all a man who really desires glory has trusted in Jesus Christ, he has confessed his sins, and humbled himself before God. In Christ is true value which outperforms our culture’s monopoly money value system any day of the week. In Christ is true glory & value.
Jeremiah Jasso – December 31, 2023