Be angry and do not sin: do not let the sun go down on your anger.
Ephesians 4:25
Anger is like a hot coal, straight from the fire. Your hands have not been made tough enough to hold it and not get burned. And so, you are commanded to let it go. You may not hold onto it even for a night.
There are plenty of things in a sinful world that should make you angry. The world is broken, full of sin, pain and sorrow. People hurt other people, they hurt us. Wives disrespect husbands, husbands are unkind to their wives. Dad’s abandon their kids.
In the Scripture we often see God’s righteous anger burn hot against the ungodly.
This anger is the right response when a perfectly Holy God meets wicked men.
And we too should be angered by sin. But here is the key point. You are not God and you are not perfectly holy. Anger held in your hands will quickly turn to bitterness, wrath, clamor, evil speaking, and malice toward others.
So, what must you do? Two things: First – do not sin in your anger. And second – let go of your anger today. Psalm 4, which Paul is quoting here says “Be angry and do not sin. Meditate within your hear on your bed, and be still”. When you are angered is the time you must use utmost self-control. This is not a time to debate with your wife, or discipline the kids, or send an email. No stop right where you are and be still. Sit on you bed and be quiet.
Secondly, you must let it go. If someone has sinned against you, you must forgive them. If someone has sinned against someone else, then give that wrong to God. Trust Him that all things will be put right. If you refuse to do this, then you are ultimately directing your anger back at God. You are saying in your heart that God cannot make this good, that God’s plan is not right, and that you deserve to be angry at Him. This is the heart of all bitterness, and it is like dry rot in the foundation of your house. It must be pulled out all the way, every sliver of it, or else the house will fall.
Zach Browning – February 25, 2024