At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore (Ps. 16: 11)
“He that despiseth his neighbour sinneth: But he that hath mercy on the poor, happy is he” (Proverbs 14:21).
The message of this proverb is that it is quite possible to sin close to home, and it is also quite possible to be gracious and merciful far away from home.
And of course, there are always ways to distort this. One distortion occurs when the people who live close to you (family and neighbors) are in a position to know what you are really like, while the folks at church see the smiling and very Christian version of you. The name for this particular pattern is hypocrisy.
Another way to violate the wisdom of this proverb would be by shutting yourself up in a tight little circle, family and friends only, and to forget those who have any needs far away from you—the “poor.” Then there is the reverse of this, where someone spends so much time down at the soup kitchen that they neglect their own family and friends. Remember that the apostle teaches us that someone who neglects their family is worse than an infidel (1 Tim. 5:18).
That said, we should make sure that we do not neglect the straightforward teaching of the proverb. Close acquaintance with anyone reveals faults, and when this happens, it is easy to drift into an attitude of contempt or despising. However justified you might feel in having that contempt, it is nevertheless tagged as sinning by Scripture. And the person who extends himself to have mercy on the poor is also doing something for himself as it turns out. “Happy is he,” the passage says. Of course that should not be his primary motive, but the Scriptures do clearly teach this principle. The man who loves his wife loves himself, the apostle says, and this means that it must not be wrong to have this in your mind somewhere. Self-interest is not the same thing as self-centeredness.