Dear sisters,
¡Hola, hola!
How was your Thanksgiving break, Friends? I loved seeing pictures of all the yummy food that my American Friends and family made, so much goodness to make one’s heart glad. What a great way to celebrate Thanksgiving, always giving and aways making room for one more person at the table! I am suspecting, however, that many of you got off track in the Bible Reading Challenge because of the Thanksgiving feasting! Am I right? So if you are in this situation (caught between pie crust, apples, cranberries, all things pumpkin and turkey), I want to encourage you to stop right there where you are and don’t feel guilty about it, but instead take the Book of God and start reading it today! You will, God willing, come back at another time to the books of Joshua and Acts. This coming week, starting Monday, November 27, we will read Judges, some Psalms and Colossians.
Remember all of the times through the books of Deuteronomy and Joshua that God warned the Israelites about how horrible things would get of they failed to fear Him and obey His commandments? Well, in the book of Judges we will see the Israelites decline pretty fast into total corruption. It took only one generation for the people to forget who God was and what He demanded from them. They quickly forgot the love of God for them and how He wanted their hearts too.
In Egypt the Israelites were slaves and ate the fruit of their slavery. In the wilderness, we read, the people murmured against God and longed for the food that they were served as slaves. God gave them Bread from heaven and Water from the Rock. He fed them with Himself, but they were not satisfied with Him. But God had made a promise and He would fulfill it. Now they are in the Promised Land and He had promised that if they remember Him and obey Him and keep His commandments in the Land, they would enjoy peace, prosperity, the best food, godly children, joy and feasting. But the problem of sin was still present in their hearts, and they longed for something else. So they went back and turned to idols. Here in the book of Judges we will see God fulfilling another Promise He had made. His judgments fall on them and they are left to do what they had been longing to do: create idols for themselves. And as we’ll read, they will become not only like the nations they failed to drive out from the Land, but like the idols they made for themselves. We will read terrible and heartbreaking stories. Stories that came as a result of them living in times in which “there was no king in Israel and everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” (Judges 17:6)
In the epistle to the Colossians we will read how Paul urges His readers in chapter 3 to put to death all sinful desires and actions, all… idolatry! Do you see the connection already?
I encourage you, my Friends, to keep reading and keep asking the Lord to bless your coming to His Word. Let the Holy Spirit change you, and when you see that there is some sin in your life that you need to confess and repent of, don’t delay, come to the Father through Christ our High Priest. And remember, we don’t live in a world where there is no King! Jesus reigns!
Note about Psalm 3: this Psalm, you will notice, was written by David when he was fleeing from Absalom, so why are we including it now? I wanted you to see how the first two psalms -that we read last week- are tied together in this one. In Psalm 1 we see the psalmist’s love for God’s Word and in Psalm 2 we read the proclamation of the reign of Jesus. Here, in Psalm 3 we read that David prays according to the Word of the Lord (he knows it and loves it), and he is assured that God will rise to judge his cause because He is King over all!
Let our prayer this week be, “Lord, use our lives to ‘cause your name to be remembered in all generations…” Ps. 45:17a
I have so many wonderful things to share with you about our weekly readings, so I really hope you can join us this coming Monday at 10:00am PST on our weekly webinar.
Under His sun and by His grace,
Becky Pliego and the team of Christ Church Ladies Fellowship