As we all know, the fourth commandment is a wonderful blessing from God where we are commanded to rest and worship 1 day out of the week as we remember our redemption in Jesus Christ. But what’s striking about this commandment is that the majority of these two verses is devoted to exhorting those in authority not only to rest, but to GIVE rest. The commandment is quickly stated and then God focuses on giving instruction on how this is to be done.
Those who have children, those who have servants, we can compare that to having employees, and those who govern any institution, whether it be family or business, are to make sure that those under their authority get to rest. So not only is this an opportunity to be blessed yourself by resting on the Lord’s day, it is an opportunity to bless those around you by giving them rest as well.
This means that as husbands you ought to be looking for ways to make sure your wife rests on the sabbath. This could mean striking a deal with your wife that you will take care of the dishes, dinner & diapers on Sunday. Or not lingering late into the night at a social event on Saturday night ensuring tired, squirmy, babies on the sabbath.
This means as mothers you ought to govern the household with the Lord’s day in mind, taking advantage of the day of preparation to free up time for rest and worship on Sunday for your children.
Now of course, things will happen. Your Ox may be stuck in a ditch more than a few times and it’s important not to be legalistic about these things, but with that said, we should strive to obtain the blessings available for us in obeying these commands. Not because by doing these things we earn salvation, but because by doing these things we get to delight in the salvation wrought for us by God Himself.
Jeremiah Jasso – June 2, 2024