Brothers and Sisters of Christ Church Troy, whether you consciously do so or not, you are a representative of the most High God to your neighbors here in Troy. You have the name of God upon you, you are a member of His visible church, and your calling is to be the salt and light to the earth. That’s who you are in the story, and every Christian is to be that salt and light, but I want to impress upon you that God has been telling a specific story here in Troy. There is conflict here, there are lies being told about you and what you believe, and ultimately the lie is being told about who God is. And so, God has called you to a high task here in Troy that no one should take lightly. And you will either you will be a faithful servant pointing others here in Troy toward Christ or you will be an unfaithful servant taking the Lord’s name that is upon you in vain. Clearly there is only one option, the faithful servant, so let me dive deeper.
We are not to do our works in order to be seen by men to get praise from men, but we are to do good works so that others might see Christ through us and glorify God in Heaven. So, what good works should you be focusing on, How are you to be salt and light. In the face of lies, let only goodness and truth come out of your mouth. Don’t gossip about your neighbor, don’t talk bad about what you saw or what heard from your neighbor. Don’t lie about your neighbor. Conversation among kirkers should not center around what so-and-so said on facebook or what you overheard so-and-so say at the gas station. Your words, even about your enemies, should not tear them down. Simply put, you should not talk bad about your enemies. If you have a complaint about them then go to them directly or seek counsel from the elders or other wise men about the situation. But do not spread a bad report among your friends. This increases division where we are to bring peace. Instead dwell on that which is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, if there is any good report, if there is any virtue, if there is anything praiseworthy, talk about such things.
Zach Browning – October 8, 2023