MARCH 28th & 29th
The Christian West is in the midst of an identity crisis. We fondly recall the blessings of our forefathers’ faithfulness, but we don’t understand that our own unfaithfulness is why the edges of our social fabric are all tattered. As if that wasn’t bad enough, open idolatry and blasphemy are given prime real estate in front of the local department store.
Sincere Christians might be tempted to retreat in such a time. Instead, we should remember Jesus’ words about the Spirit blowing where He pleases. If we peer over our own borders, we can see places where the work of the Spirit is at least at CAT5 levels. One such place is Brazil. We want to share a vision for why American Christians should be actively praying for and supporting the work of reformation and revival down south.
Join us for a weekend of encouragement, vision, and fellowship as we labor to see every nation, tribe, and tongue confessing the Lordship of Jesus Christ over all things.