Please pray for Côte d’Ivoire and specifically for the Bakwé. The northern army is working their way from town to town, with the goal of taking the port city of San-Pédro in the west and Abidjan, the economic capital. To get to San-Pédro they will have to go right through our village. Needless to say, there is much tension and uncertainty. The other day Pastor Firmain was given a death threat by one of his non-christian neighbors who is from the north and loyal to the northern president. I chatted with Pastor Firmain online and I asked him what their needs were. He asked for prayer for safety. He also said that they could use some money to be able to stock up on food in case they have to hole up in their homes for days. We are looking into a way to do this. Since both the north and the south are using mercenaries, if fighting comes to the village, it is likely that everyone’s houses (including ours and the Bakwé Translation-Literacy-Community Center) will get looted. Please pray for the protection of their families, and everyone’s homes and property. Also pray for God to be glorified in the final resolution to the conflict. Pastor Firmain said that the seven denominations in the area are closely working together and meeting for joint prayer for the country. They also have been visiting all the mosques in the nearby large town, assuring the Muslim northerners that they will not harm them.