At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore (Ps. 16: 11)
“The name of the Lord is a strong tower: The righteous runneth into it, and is safe”
Proverbs 18:10
In times of trouble, people naturally and instinctively resort to their god. If their God is the God of the Bible, they cry out to Him and are delivered. But if there is a natural disaster, say, and they cry out for FEMA to arrive, this shows that their faith is in the power of the state, in the power of government. In times of trial, people turn to their gods, and this is why times of trial are truly revelatory. Times of trial reveal the names of the gods.
Only Jehovah is capable of providing the kind of protection that we most certainly need in a world like this one. As this proverb puts it, His name is strong tower. Notice that it is His name that is a strong tower. Remember that when the difficulty erupts into our lives, it is His name that we call out. His name is a strong tower.
The promise comes next. When the righteous are revealed by which name they call, the next thing they do is that they run to the name. This running is conducted by means of prayer, and ongoing praying. The danger comes, and the righteous run into the walled fortress and tower that is the name of God. Prayer is how we come to that place of safety. Prayer is what we are summoned to, and a refuge in prayer is what we are promised. This is how the proverb ends—the righteous run to the righteous name, and there they are safe.
False gods offer false security, and on lying terms. But even though they lie (about the ultimate safety they might provide), they can nevertheless urge other advantages. Perhaps you don’t need to run as far. Perhaps the names of their gods are easier to pronounce. Perhaps it is not necessary to leave any sin behind in order to take refuge—this is an ever popular one.