For the Bible Reading Challenge this year, we will be sending out posts with resources pertaining to the readings of the past month for you to explore further. Enjoy!
The podcast is back, and for our first episode of the new plan, Pastor Douglas Wilson came on to talk about all things Genesis. Be on the lookout for the Exodus episode soon!
Don’t forget: You can subscribe on your favorite podcast app to listen (search ‘Bible Reading Challenge’).
Just as Abraham walked through the land that he was promised without settling down to inherit the land, so we walk through the Bible, the land of promise, not yet in full possession of all that has been given to us. We have it already, we don’t have it yet. Click here to listen.

The Apostle John was overwhelmed by the vastness of Jesus Christ. This fourth Gospel is a cosmic Gospel, but with profound ramifications for us here on earth. It is cosmic, but it is in no way removed from us. No, the ultimate and divine Word became flesh and dwelt among us. Click here to listen.

These two great resources on Genesis are 20% off from Canon Press until Monday, October 5th!
Primeval Saints: What if Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were heroes that we should imitate—even in their deceptions?
Creation in Six Days: Commentators offer a lot of strange opinions on the events of Genesis 1. Jordan shows how the straightforward reading is the only tenable one.

Back in 2016, the topic for Grace Agenda was young-earth creationism and evolution. Click here to check out those messages from Pastor Douglas Wilson, N.D. Wilson, Dr. Tim Edwards, Dr. Gordon Wilson, and Dr. John C. Sanford.