The summer season is upon us and for many of you that means your well-worn routines are interrupted or changed. The kids are no longer in school, and if you homeschool, you are most likely taking a break from your curriculum. Warmer weather means more time spent outdoors in fellowship with others. You also have more opportunities for recreation, family vacations, and hosting out-of-town guests. All of these are good gifts from God for you to enjoy, but you should be aware of the ways in which they can disrupt your habits of Bible reading, prayer, or even church attendance.
Summer is not a time to kick back and relax spiritually. There are no spiritual vacations in the Christian life. As the Apostle Peter wrote, we must always be sober-minded and watchful, because our adversary Satan never ceases from prowling like a lion, seeking someone to devour (1 Pet. 5:8). Now being watchful does not simply mean avoiding temptation and killing sin—the putting off of your old self. It also means further cultivating in your life and your home good spiritual disciplines and habits—the putting on of your new self (Eph. 4:22–24).
One foundational way to remain watchful and alert is to read the Word. We happen to be starting our summer Bible Reading Plan through the New Testament tomorrow, and this is a great opportunity to jump into daily Bible reading with others at a pace of 4 chapters a day. If that’s too much for you or if checking off boxes does the exact opposite of motivating you, then I encourage you to pick one or two books of the Bible to read and reread this summer, daily at your own pace.
Regardless of your method, the exhortation is to start or continue to be in the Word consistently. Be vigilant. Be watchful. Take care of your soul and those entrusted to you. And enjoy God’s goodness to you and your families.
Shawn Paterson – June 2, 2024