At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore (Ps. 16: 11)
A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband:
Proverbs 12:4
But she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.
One of the curious things that has developed in the contemporary Christian world is the phenomenon of women not sinning as women. This is more than curious, and manifestly unbiblical, and yet we act as though it has somehow come to pass.
We allow that a woman could rob a bank, and that would be a sin, but it would be the same identical sin that is committed when a male robs a bank. In the same way, a woman could cheat on her taxes, say, or covet her neighbor’s car. But we have drifted into the notion that modern Christian women don’t commit any sins that are characteristically feminine sins. If you doubt what I say, ask yourself when you last heard uniquely feminine sin admonished from the pulpit.
In this verse, we find that women, just like the other kind of human being, are divided into the two categories of wise and foolish. There is the woman who is a crown to her husband, and there is a woman who is a shame to her husband. Now this virtuous woman is a crown to her husband in a characteristically feminine way. She is crowning him in a way that could not be done by another man. And the shameful wife is a rottenness in her husband’s bones in a characteristically feminine way. She disgraces him in a way that is unique to her station. No one else is in a position to be a rottenness like that.
If someone were to say that some wives are an embarrassment to their husbands, the automatic response in these corrupt times is to accuse that person of attacking all women. The sentiment is promptly characterized as necessarily misogynistic. To say that some women are foolish is to say that all women are foolish. But this is clearly ludicrous.
One telltale sign that there might be trouble, that this might be going on, is if a woman reads these words, and then goes to ask/demand her husband to say if she makes him ashamed in any way, fully prepared to cry if he says yes. He will of course not say yes, but if that was the game that was going on, then the answer is in fact yes.